The Borzoi, also known as the Russian Wolfhound, is a large, athletic breed of dog known for its elegant, long-haired coat and its slender, athletic build. They are intelligent and independent, and they were originally bred in Russia for hunting wolves and other large game.

Borzois are known for their quiet, dignified personalities and their affectionate nature. They are generally good with children and other pets, but they can be reserved with strangers and may require socialization and training from an early age.

Despite their athletic build, Borzois are not high-energy dogs and do not require a lot of exercise. However, they do need regular mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. They may be prone to certain health issues, such as hip dysplasia, heart problems, and eye disorders, so it is important to have them regularly checked by a veterinarian.

Overall, Borzois are elegant, intelligent, and affectionate dogs that make excellent companions for families and individuals who can provide them with the attention and care they need.

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