House training a puppy

Basic steps for house training a puppy

  1. Establish a regular feeding schedule and take away food between meals.

  2. Take your puppy outside frequently, particularly after meals and naps, and after playing.

  3. Use a specific command, such as “go potty,” to signal to your puppy that it’s time to do its business.

  4. Praise your puppy when it goes potty outside.

  5. If you catch your puppy in the act of going potty inside, interrupt it with a loud noise and immediately take it outside.

  6. Clean up any accidents with an enzymatic cleaner to remove the smell, as dogs may be attracted to the scent and repeat the behavior.

  7. Be patient and consistent, as house training can take time and accidents will happen.

Note: It’s important to remember that puppies have small bladders and will need to go potty frequently, especially when they are young. It’s better to take them out more often than less often to avoid accidents.

Photo by Leohoho

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October 11, 2022 3:29 pm